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Planetbase 1.3.8 RePack by Новая Версия

Tarkett Moderator
13 февраля 2016, 00:09

ОСТОРОЖНО!, эта игра сильно затягивает .shock.
Tarkett Moderator
13 февраля 2016, 00:28
Tarkett Moderator
14 февраля 2016, 17:08
15 февраля 2016, 10:24

Реально затягивает, вчера весь день потратил, открыл вторую планету. Круто. Автор ты знаешь будут ли обновления?
Tarkett Moderator
15 февраля 2016, 17:33

RT9ZITZ, конечно будет, игра еще в бета тестировании находиться
Tarkett Moderator
8 марта 2016, 23:22
Tarkett Moderator
25 марта 2016, 01:20

Русификатор от старой версии, вроде все нормально переводит. Как выйдет репак- я заменю. Инструкция в архиве.
Что нового в версии 1.1.0
Version 1.1 is a major update for Planetbase, including a new planet, new structures, techs disasters and a lot more, adding more hours of gameplay and taking the game to a whole new level.

These are the details:

New class S planet
The most difficult planet in the game, it requires 12 milestones to unlock and in it you will have to deal with constant thunderstorms, erratic energy generation and limited space, offering a proper challenge for the more experienced players.

New structures
- Lightning Rod. Exterior structure that protects from lightning and at the same time can harvest its energy and store in a Power Collector.
- Pyramid. Intermediate prestige structure, that is now required before you build the Monolith.

New techs
- Mega Collector Patent. Tech that enables the construction of Very large Power Collectors.
- Super Extractor Patent. Tech that enables the construction of Large Water Extractors.

New disasters
- Blizzard. Disaster for the Frozen planet (instead of Meteors and Solar Flares).
- Thunderstorm. Disaster for the Storm planet.

New animations
- More idle animations for colonists
- New animation for drinking on the floor
- New tired animations for colonists

New music
- Additional track added to the game (one more to come soon).

UI Improvements
- Game controls and shortcuts can now be remapped.
- Anti Meteor laser now shows effect radius when selected.

AI Tweaks
- AI will now take Medical Supplies or Guns from Storages to Medical Cabinets and Armories
- When taking resources to trade, build, repair, heal or produce, AI will now aim for the closest resource to the target, instead of to themselves
- Engineers and Constructor Bots are very likely to build a structure straight away if they are the ones putting the last material down

Gameplay improvements
- Removed structure and population limit, however after 300 colonists the rate at which they arrive at the base will start decreasing
- Monolith is now a bit more expensive, and requires the Pyramid first
- Planets will require 4/8/12 milestones to unlock (before it was 5/10)
- Colonists can now sleep on the floor if there are no bunks available
- Improved the search for the landing location, the ship should land on flatter areas now
- Colonists can use structures normally as long as oxygen is above 11% (before it was 16%)
- Anti-Meteor Laser has a smaller radius, and will try to only target meteors that are a real threat
- Shortcut for enabling single chart changes from Control+Click to Shift+Click (same as place multiple and trade multiple).
- You can now Shift+Click to trade 10 items at a time
- Added one medic to the starting crew of the Gas Giant Moon planet
- There is now a 2 minute period after landing, where Hydration, Nutrition and Sleep don't decay

- If you have more than 10 bots, the bot died message has less intrusive sound
- Increased savegame version number, saves can not be opened with version 1.0
- Ships don't take off or land during disasters
- Stability fixes

Tarkett Moderator
25 марта 2016, 03:05

Если на базу напали- Жмем F6 и выбираем красный. Персонал возьмет оружие и будет отстреливаться.
Tarkett Moderator
25 марта 2016, 03:07

Читы, файлы и прочее нужное по игре.
Kandrid Uploader
28 марта 2016, 02:51

Если скачаю, то меня точно затянет....
31 марта 2016, 13:04

все распаковал как написано русского нет , руки прямые вроде
Tarkett Moderator
31 марта 2016, 17:17

Михалыч69, как вариант- не туда русик запихнул или не включил его в опциях.
Tarkett Moderator
16 июня 2016, 00:49

Challenges are here!

This version adds challenges to Planetbase: they are custom scenarios with set starting conditions and goals, the system can also be used to create modifications of the existing planets.

There are 4 built-in challenges in the game, and many more already in the Steam Workshop created by the community, just subscribe to an item, and it will appear in the challenges section in game.


- Added support for challenges, there are some built-in ones, and they can also be downloaded from the the Steam Workshop.
- 4 new challange related achievements.
- New music track.
- Reworked title screen a bit, moved credits to a smaller button, and added switch planet and worshop buttons.
- Pyramid now requires Signpost first.
- When buying vegetables, vitromeat or meals from traders you now get a random subtype.
Tarkett Moderator
16 июня 2016, 02:27

Заменил русификатор на новый для версии 1.2
Tarkett Moderator
17 июня 2016, 21:29

Установка русификатора:
Запускаем игру, выходим из нее!
1. Распаковываем архив в папку "c:\Users\......\Documents\Planetbase\Strings\".
Изначально папки «Strings» там нет, поэтому ее необходимо создать.
У вас должно получится как на скриншоте
2. Запускаем игру и активируем русский язык в настройках.
Tarkett Moderator
7 сентября 2016, 01:32

- Added new models for colonist and visitor ships, and improved textures for the existing ones.
- Added achievements screen, you can see which achievements you've completed within the game.

- Added ReachBots objective, this requires the player to build a certain number of bots.
- Added DisableColonyShipRecycling gameplay modifier, that prevents the player from recycling the Colony Ship in challenges.
- Added ThunderstormRisk gameplay modifier, that allows to add thunderstorms in any planet (or disable them in the Storm Planet).

- Small cabin model fixed, windows were in the wrong place.
- Visitors without an owned ship, will still leave in the next ship, but only if it doesn't contain intruders.
Tarkett Moderator
18 марта 2023, 23:47

Внимательно, в инсталляторе присутствует реклама- пропускаем ее!

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