Ski Safari - v.1.4.0

Скриншот: Ski Safari - v.1.4.0

Отличная, красочная игрушка, убивалка времени. атимся с гор, собирая бонусы и убегая от лавины...

Welcome to the North Pole!
Its that time of year where reindeer and snowballs collide... well... at least in Ski Safari they do.
We've crammed loads of things in this update, including:
• new boosters!
• new costumes and scarves!
• new snowmobiles!
• new challenges and ranks!
• tweaks and fixes
Once you are out in wilds of the North Pole be on the look out for the elusive Rudolph reindeer, its the one with the shiny red nose... some would even say it glows.
Happy holidays and have fun!
- Squished the "demo" bug and fixed some crashes
- Fixed issue with Android 4.2 in-app purchasing and squished some other smaller bugs
We've introduced a new Bug (a costume for Sven!) and squished the big one preventing the game from saving.
Also there's a new bug report button for those experiencing any other difficulties.
What's new in 1.3:
•New slopes
•New ranks and challenges
•New costumes, scarves and snowmobiles
•Lots of new upgrades
Eagle Bluffs
Can you conquer the heights and sheer drops of Eagle Bluffs?
Monster Mountain
The height of horror and hi-jinx. 99% OFF while the monsters are in season!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some users are experiencing a problem where the game doesn't save. We're currently hard at work on a fix and hope to release an update shortly!
Massive Double Update!
New slopes
New ranks and challenges
New costumes, scarves and snowmobiles
Lots of new upgrades
Eagle Bluffs
Can you conquer the heights and sheer drops of Eagle Bluffs?
Monster Mountain
The height of horror and hi-jinx. 99% OFF while the monsters are in season!

• Дата выпуска: 13.12.2012
• Дата релиза: 13.12.2012
• Версия: 1.4.0
• Версия ОС: 2.0.1+
• Разработчик: Defiant Development
• Язык интерфейса: Английский
• Разрешение экрана: проверялось на 480х800
• Состояние: Полная версия (Released by chathu_ac + бесплатный шопинг)
• Управление: Touch
Скриншот (9.1 Kb)
Доп.скриншот 1 (63 Kb)
Доп.скриншот 2 (76.8 Kb)
md5: 33c9c18d8d5c2fdeb64e349e995bacac
Категория: Обменник - Android OS
Раздел: Игры Android OS
Добавил: YasheR3d
Дата: 6 августа 2012, 20:45
Файл обновлён: 14 декабря 2012, 18:38
Обновил: MiShutka
Кол-во загрузок: 942
Последнее скачивание: 24 сентября 2022, 15:07
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