PowerPack 0.3.0

Скриншот: PowerPack 0.3.0

Разработчик: arsean (meegoforum.pl)
Распространение: Бесплатно
Язык: Русский

PowerPack - неофициальное обновление прошивки Nokia N9. Исправляет ошибки и оптимизирует работу смартфона (ландшафтный режим в Параметрах, увеличилась работа от одного заряда аккумулятора, улучшена прокрутка в Контактах) и мн.др.

Необходим активированный режим разработчика!

Установка приложения:
1) Устанавливаем Inception
2) Распаковываем папку PowerPack в корень MyDocs
3) Открываем терминал, получаем рутовый доступ и последовательно набираем команды:
cd /home/user/MyDocs/PowerPack
/usr/sbin/incept *.deb
4) Вводим пароль рутового доступа (по-умолчанию rootme) и дожидаемся окончания установки
5) Перезагружаемся

Список изменений
* Fixes: Invoker infinite loop after receiving signals.
* Fixes: Empty MMS notification ("Private number") is received when reconnecting to MUC with pending edited messages.
* Fixes: Missed call notification is still shown though the missed call event is not available.

* Fixes: Settings does not recognize control panel applets installed while it is running.
* Fixes: All the ?>" buttons and switch button jump right when launching the ?Settings? application.
* Fixes: Weak startuptime of controlpanel.
* Fixes: Gallery icon?s place is wrong in Wallpaper settings.
* New: Landscape mode.

* Fixes: Search field is getting closed after clearing all typed content.
* Changes: Improves language applet opening time.

* Fixes: Playback sometimes fails for FLAC files.
* Fixes: FLAC: improve error handling.
* Fixes: FLAC: incorrect time stamps.

* Fixes: Creating QMessageManager gets stuck forever (multiple instances of ContactListener being created in QueryResult).
* Fixes: Conversation is not found when number includes slashes.

* Fixes: Disable LMT-QT-debug. Should improve preformance a little.
* Fixes: MMessageBox::isVisible() and ::isOnDisplay() returns true even if black screensaver is on top of it.
* Fixes: Swapped axes in MCrossFadedOrientationAnimationPrivate.
* Fixes: MTextEdit uses focused-prompt-opacity when the text edit doesn't have focus.
* Fixes: A blue bar flickers at the right edge of the message sort screen while switching device between landscape mode and portrait mode.
* Fixes: Unable to format part of word to the same format as symbol before selection.
* Fixes: libmeegotouch requires QtDBus and this is not reflected in pkg-config configuration.
* Fixes: Status area: Ongoing call indicator remains in pressed down state doesn't reset its state in certain scenario.
* New: MCrossFadedOrientationAnimation uses additional MSnapshotItem to increase animation performance.
* Fixes: Page content visible outside viewport during CrossFadedOrientationAnimation.
* Fixes: Arrow key navigation in portrait mode.
* New: Add appearance animation duration for MEditorToolbar.
* Fixes: Long tap on a link in a label doesn't start text selection.
* Fixes: Notes application crashes while launching in memory full condition.
* Fixes: No documentation for MSceneWindow::dismiss().
* Fixes: Ignore webupload-service-dropbox-l10n-engineering-english in messageid-check.
* Fixes: Remove workaround for missing focusOut event in QGraphicsItem.
* New: Class MElidedText implementing text eliding.
* New: Prompt text to support eliding.
* Fixes: Closing the style settings dialog has effect of the style on the text.
* Fixes: Handlers and copy text from text selection are missing after rotating the screen in read only field.
* Fixes: Home screen contents go behind the status bar.
* Fixes: Inconsistent toolbar behavior at Copy.
* New: Block MEditorToolbar buttons update while its hide animation is running.
* New: Update MEditorToolbar position in idle time or after appearance.
* Fixes: Use proper size for MEditorToolbar arrow position calculation.
* Fixes: Copy & paste widget is shown while dragging text handles in a scenario.
* New: Method connectToGeometryChanges is called both from rootElementChanged and from updateState and sometimes we tried to connect to geometry changes twice.
Improves performance a little and prevents assert.
* New: Improved MSceneManager::fastForwardPageSwitchAnimation().
* Fixes: MPannableViewport does not keep position on rotation.
* Fixes: MSlider's handler always in horizontal position.
* Fixes: Slider is set to outdated value on cancelEvent-handler when the initial press didn't hit the slider itself.
* Fixes: Horizontal slider min&max labels are at the wrong ends when the right-to-left layout orientation is in use.
* Fixes: Handle indicator of a vertical slider is positioned too close to the handle.
* Fixes: Vertical slider conflicts with vertical panning.
* Fixes: Elapsed part of a vertical slider is always drawn full length.
* Fixes: Text magnifier can be seen/used when VKB is closed.
* Fixes: The text which first line is blank can't be pasted correctly.
* Fixes: MSheet::centralWidgetSizePolicyRespected doesn't work with word-wrapping labels.
* Fixes: MProgressIndicator does not become visible/animated when calling setVisible(true) in switcher.
* Fixes: Copy-Paste static text from browser to email: Composer shows text styles it does not support.
* Fixes: Swipe while switching focus removes part of contents.
* Fixes: Avatar delays to display in service selection view.
* Fixes: Thai vowel marks are not fully displayed in events view.
* Fixes: Bug in logic for where to elide (MLabelView_rich).
* Fixes: Use proper animation duration for hiding MEditorToolbar.
* Fixes: Very slow non-automatic hiding animation of MEditorToolbar.
* Fixes: Swiping keyboard to close keep text selected.
* Fixes: Crash in ~MTextSelectionOverlay() caused by destroyed aggregatee invocation.
* Fixes: Pressing center of the vertical slider handle changes the value.
* Fixes: Brightness slider is not animated.
* Fixes: <coverity> defects for libmeegotouch/0.24.16-2_0m7/src/corelib/widgets/mcontainer.cpp.
* Fixes: MList - Remove connection/disconnection redundancy.
* Fixes: List items in e-mail app fail to appear from the very bottom of the list.
* Fixes: MMS thread in INBOX not displaying properly when MMS composed with subject full of emoticons.
* Fixes: More than one of copy-paste button actions can be used while text is selected in Rich text edit.
* Fixes: Rename MCompleterViewPrivate::organizeContents to updatePosition.
* Fixes: MCompleter is covered by VKB.
* New: Separate cursor rectangle from relocator rectangle.
* New: Track input method area changes in MCompleter.
* New: Use widget bottom as MCompleter position, if enough room.
* Fixes: The view in grid view is not correct.
* New: MLabelView - Include the leading() for the last line for height calculations.
* Fixes: MBubbleItem memory leak.
* Fixes: Inconsistent behavior of MImageWidget's copy constructor.
* Fixes: NOKIA text is not displaying properly in About product applet.
* Fixes: Rename EatMButtonGestureFilter -> MEatGestureFilter.
* Fixes: Magnifier is still shown even if the finger is released from the text.
* Fixes: MLabel: Inconsistent vertical alignment of simple-text and rich-text.
* Fixes: Use MTextEditView clipping sometimes even when document is smaller than clip area.
* Fixes: Avoid unnecessary QRectF->QPainterPath->QRectF conversion.
* Fixes: Be consistent with chosen coordinate base in MTextEditView.
* Fixes: Text in contacts search input field goes beyond the text field boundaries.
* Fixes: Completer's proxy model was missing a beginResetModel().
* Fixes: Haptic feedback on text selection.
* Fixes: An issue with MCompleter's completion dialog with async model.
* New: Add a spinner to MCompleterView.
* New: MCompleter shows spinner with async completion model fetches.
* Fixes: Don't show completer if it wasn't explicitly requested.
* New: Show spinner also in MCompleter's completion dialog.
* Fixes: Use smoother scaling if drawing spinner in other than its original size.
* Fixes: Setting setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText) in MLabel change its position in layout.
* Fixes: MBubbleItem setMessageType() and setCentralWidget() methods not working correctly after the view is created.
* Fixes: Sometimes during application start up square top corners can be briefly seen until they get rounded.
* Fixes: Calendar invitation body is not easily scrolable, scrolls frame by frame.
* Fixes: Empty completer displayed in create message view.
* Fixes: Make sure completer's position is correct even with no label to show.
* Fixes: Avoid flickering when completer is requested with empty list but model is fetching.
* Fixes: IDUG: "View other's availability information" changed to full string with a truncation after long tap on it in Persian language.
* Fixes: Detail Selection Dialog is covered by VKB.
* Fixes: Cut/Copy option is displayed unnecessarily when "com" is sugested.
* Fixes: MInputMethodState::setExtendedAttribute fails to set the pressed attribute.
* Fixes: With the chinese keyboard as active input method, text entered is shown out of the text field when the focus is moved to the next field.
* Fixes: MAppletRunner leak.
* Fixes: Missing opacity for pixmap in MBanner.
* Fixes: MImageWidget does not render properly the images when a QPixmap is used.
* Fixes: Odd behavior of MMS composer Subject Field in case of reach maximum lenght and use special characters.
* Fixes: Settings: In fast scroll, no edge for the characters "?" and "?".
* Fixes: <Coverity> Added null checkings in MExtensionAreaView for pointers initialized with dynamic_cast.
* New: Optimize memory-demand for MLabel tiles.
* New: Add text color support in MPopupList items.
* Fixes: Crash possibility in MDebug::printDebugChildInformation().
* Fixes: Selected smileys are not visible in magnifier.
* Fixes: Applying smooth transformation when QImage is used (MImageWidget).
* Fixes: Text magnifier can get stuck on the screen after releasing.
* New: People and Contacts: better layout alignment.
* Fixes: Wrap prompt drawing in its own method in MTextEditView.
* Fixes: Cut/copy/paste window jumps after switching to portrait mode.
* Fixes: The location of dragger is changed when moving another dragger through it to the edge of the search input field in Messaging.
* Fixes: Style settings view is displayed when re-launching Calendar application if closing it with Style settings view displayed.
* Fixes: Relocation animation was not allowed to finish properly when triggered frequently.

* Fixes: Swipe, right after launching application, does not move application to the switcher.
* Fixes: Splash screen application can't be swiped away until contents completely loaded (when Tv-out cable is connected).
* Fixes: "Recents"-view flickered quickly before the "Enter security code"-view opened.
* New: Possibility to take a screenshot (Fn+Ctrl+P).

* New: Add show duration for MEditorToolbar.
* Fixes: Blanco theme CSS files must be merged on base theme.
* Fixes: qtn_msg_error_missing_smsc translation is to long for notification background sheet.
* Fixes: In Application view view header name is not displayed.
MButtonStyle#ToolBarLabelOnlyCommonButton has wrong text-color.
Style updated similarly to #ToolBarLabelOnlyCommonInverted, for disabled state
opacity set to 0.3. Also text-color set to proper $COLOR_BUTTON_FOREGROUND
for all button states.
* New: Separate auto-hide animation duration attribute for copy-paste widget.
* Fixes: Unnecessary long hiding animation of MEditorToolbar.
* Fixes: The landscape sizes for private event banners, full event banners and lock screen event banners were incorrect.
* Fixes: Expand/Collapse button hitarea is very small and not vertically centered.
* New: Zero top margin and y offset for MCompleter.
* Fixes: Use plain background-color for application menus.
* New: Disable horizontal style based clipping for MTextEdit.
* Fixes: A red rectangle is displayed over the accuweather widget when device is getting full.

* Fixes: Memory leaks in videoep, media, resource, notification and telephony modules.

* Fixes: QML Selection handlers are drawn over Tool/Status bar.
* Fixes: The selection handles disappear in Morpheus.
* Fixes: Use screen.platformHeight instead of screen.displayHeight to evaluate visibility of SelectionHandles.
* Fixes: Add Magnifier to all SelectionHandle use cases.
* Fixes: Adjusting magnifier.?Center.
* Fixes: Fine-tuning for magnifier + selection handles combination.
* Fixes: Too small scroll indicator when list is long.
* New: Query dialog uses positive button.
* Fixes: "Cut" and "copy" are covered with select bars when selecting words in text box of search page.
* New: Add property to disable the Magnifier in TextArea/TextField.
* Fixes: Fix size of ToolIcon.
The size of the toolbar is not actually always 64 pixels, but larger
when the orientation is in one of the portrait modes. This leads to a too small interactive area on top
and bottom of the toolicon in the toolbar, making it harder to hit. This patch conditionally fixes
the size for these orientations and fills the holes.
* Fixes: Pasted text cleared in TextField and TextArea.
Since textInput target in EditBubble is set to null upon closing EditBubble, the script for
onTextChanged Connection is reevaluated by JIT every time the paste button is tapped. This is
rather expensive for memory and CPU usage. Thus pastingText is cleared in TextField and TextArea
instead of EditBubble.
* Fixes: Hide EditBubble once it would overlap status or toolbar.
* Fixes: Some special characters(e.g. _ + -) which are allowed to exist email cannot be inputted.
* Fixes: Make __colorString work.
* Fixes: Toolbar layout calculations.
* Fixes: The background cannot be seen when softwareInputPanel is open and the device is rotated
from portrait to landscape, window is resized to fill the remaining area of the screen.
* Fixes: NetPromoterScore component, VKB done is not submitted.
* Fixes: Calculation of windowContent height modified.
* Fixes: Changes default value of position offset to iron out corner case bug.
* Fixes: Return undefined for invalid rects inside handlesIntersectWith(rect).
* Fixes: __fontFamily() function changed to a property.
Since the value for fontFamily does not change after initialization, __fontFamily is defined as
property. This will mean an improvement in memory usage, since there will no longer be JavaScript
invocations by each individual Style.
* Fixes: Signals specified using connect in Component.onCompleted.
When signal is specified in Component.onCompleted, unnecessary
JavaScript function will be omitted.
* Fixes: Anchoring and margins of MouseFilter.
The MouseFilter is used to invoke the pastebubble. The problem is that anchoring to the TextArea
doesn't work since the TextArea grows and shrinks with the text. We want to anchor the
interactive area to the visible widget, including margins.
* Fixes: The error message "You must select a rating" displayed on top of NetPromoterScore.
* Fixes: Magnifier created only once.
Magnifier is created only once by Qt.createComponent and not destroyed upon closing.
However, if the application becomes inactive, Magnifier will be destroyed. It will be recreated
the next time Magnifier.open() is invoked.
* Fixes: In some cases, we left-aligned RTL text. This patch dismisses the now obsolete pattern
and goes back to always right-aligned RTL text.
* Fixes: Page stack busy property race condition.
* Fixes: Focus issue in NetPromoterScore extras component after invalid input.
* Fixes: Source changed from script to inlined value.
The value for source in EditBubbleButton is changed from a script to an inlined value to avoid
unnecessary script execution.
* Fixes: Date.now invoked just once in TextAreaHelper.js
* Fixes: Add 'Utils.js' to extras project for findFlickable() function in NetPromoterScore component.
* Fixes: Don't select the last word when we click far right next to the last word.
* Fixes: The "0~10" numbers in NetPromoterScore should be translated.
* Fixes: Magnifier is not displaying TextField/TextArea borderlines when selection handlers are ON.
* Fixes: Only one selection handler is displayed when all the Arabic text are selected in Text Field.
* Fixes: Your email address text box is red when focusing it on Tell us what you think page.
* New: Highlight read-only Text{Field, Area} when selected.
* Fixes: Background of the Audio dialog is not solid.
* Fixes: Keep connections in sync in ButtonGroup's create() and destroy().
* Fixes: Get rid of un-needed qobject_cast.
* Fixes: Don't iterate undefined children, ToolBarLayout.
* Fixes: MenuItem decorations if the first or last item is invisible.
* Fixes: Magnifier not displaying the text in Maps application destination search field when selection handlers are ON.
* Fixes: Portrait to inverted portrait animation is broken.
* Fixes: Selection handles are drawn under VKB when QML TextField is last item in the page.
* Fixes: Refactored findFlickable out of TextAreaHelper.js and made related code use Utils.js.
* New: ScriptActions in transitions contained JavaScript code which was compiled by JIT every
time a transition was performed eg. in rotations. When an existing JavaScript function is
invoked in ScriptAction, JIT compilation is performed just once. This change improves CPU
and memory usage.
* Fixes: QML Dialogs render slightly distorted.
* Fixes: There is no septal line between Cut and Copy buttons on Cut/Copy toolbar when highlighting many chars.
* Fixes: Selecting "default" button in QueryDialog.
* Fixes: Magnified texts are clear in MTF apps, but are jagged in QML/Qt-component apps.
* Fixes: Active QML read-only text field/area orientation change repositioning.
* New: Add haptics API to qt components and change statusbar to use it.
* Fixes: Map & Drive: Text input fields don't use the new text selectors.
* Fixes: Text area selection disappears when swiping away.
* Fixes: Selected text and editbubble in TextField is not resumed after application is minimized and Maximized.
* New: SectionScroller modified to look like in Contacts, Messages in N9.
Added possibility to define custom initializers to fetch section data used by SectionScroller - useful for C++ models.
* Fixes: Single selection handler is displayed after activating the TextFied/Area and then minimizing and maximizing the application.
* New: Performance improvement for orientation change.
* Fixes: Menu orientation glitch.
* Fixes: It's hard to select a couple of lines in text area.
* Fixes: Edit bubble not displayed after scrolling up/down and selecting text in another text field/area.
* Fixes: Paste bubble is displayed in 'No edit bubble' field when application is minimized and maximized after cut operation.
* Fixes: Align font setting with other UI elements (InfoBanner).
* Fixes: Farsi font in Tumbler's, ListDelegate, TumblerDialog and TumblerButton items.
* New: Add property aliases for disabling Sheet's buttons.
* New: N950 landscape & keyboard improvements.
* Fixes: Hide toolbar shadows when the toolbar is not visible.
* Fixes: Avoid unnecessary layouts in ToolBarLayout.
* Fixes: Only set DialogStatus.Closed when Dialog is really, truly gone.
* Fixes: SelectionDialog doesn't work with C++ model out of the box.
* Fixes: Toolbar visibility problem.
* Fixes: MultiSelectionDialog doesn't work with C++ model out of the box.
* Fixes: sectionscroller: better cope with custom model types.
* Fixes: Remove an unnecessary Item in PageStackWindow.
* Fixes: Avoid dbus overhead in MDeclarativeStatusBar.
* New: Make dialogs transparent again.
* New: SectionScroller: animate the opacity of the sidebar.
* Fixes: SectionScroller: merge dragArea into container.
* Fixes: Bug in sheet placement.
* Fixes: Sheet: merge a bunch of unnecessary items.
* Fixes: Font: Remove the runtime binding evaluation. This provides 4-5 FPS gain when panning large lists of labels.
* Fixes: ListItem: remove some unnecessary bindings.
* Fixes: ListDelegate: avoid creating an unnecessary wrapper item.
* New: Default sheet content property to allow for less mistakes.
* Fixes: It's not possible to select a Button from ButtonRow through API.

* Fixes: Updating status of the messages is not optimized.
* Fixes: Todo and CalendarInvitation flags share the same bit.
* Fixes: Remove unnecessary call to updateAccount.
* Fixes: Temporary files are not deleted (IMAP).
* Fixes: Mail's received date is incorrect (POP3). Documentation was buggy - currentDateTime was used instead of mail->date().
* Fixes: Standard folder accounts settings got lost when syncing an IMAP account that doesn't support XLIST.
* Fixes: Externalize/move operations leak files.
* Fixes: Standard folders are not updated in the DB.
* Fixes: POP mails are not being deleted from POP server.
* Fixes: Reduce battery drain when wrong password is entered by user. For push enabled imap account, properly exponentially back off,
instead of retrying every 30 seconds.
* Fixes: QMailMessage::HasAttachments not being set correctly.
* Fixes: If a message is deleted and another message is in response to the deleted message then the inResponseTo value of the other message is not being updated correctly.
* Fixes: Crash that can occur when deleting messages.
* Fixes: Synchronization bug for qresync capable servers.
* Fixes: Bug in meta data analysis algorithm. When determing which parts of a message to download make sure to give highest priority to the preferred body part, if a preferred body part (text/plain or text/html) is defined.
* Changes: Reduce RAM used for imap idle connections (from 101KB to 10KB per connection).
* Changes: Performance improvements.
* Changes: Make QMailDisconnected::moveToStandardFolder more robust.
* Changes: Ensure async disconnection actions emit activityChanged signal.

* Fixes: Incorrect remaining time shown when transfer resumes after setting correct time.
* Fixes: Failed Error state for upload transfer changes to Pending state when device is put to mass storage mode.
* Fixes: Transfer consisting of multiple files in same upload does not resume when switched from WLAN to GPRS.

Новое в этой версии:
* contactsd:
- Fixes: Don't insert nie::contentLastModified into two graphes. Tracker supports only one graph per property.
- Fixes: Birthday plugin only creates events for February 29th in leap years.
- Fixes: Unable to initiate skype call to skype contacts pending for authorization.
- Changes: Prefer contact.displayLabel() over contact.detail<QContactDisplayLabel>().
- Changes: Change contactBirthday from QContactBirthday to QDate.
- Changes: Get summary and date of a calendar entry in one go.

* libcommhistory:
- Changes: Filter out relationships from contacts query (very expensive and unused).

* libmeegotouch:
- Fixes: Handling of partial writes by mthemedaemon protocol.

* libmlocale:
- Fixes: Song properties, Date format is wrong according to wikipedia KW date format.
- Fixes: Calculator: Thousands separator is missing when the region is set to Yemen or Qatar.
- Fixes: Calendar: Weekdays has wrong order according to KE countries calendar.
- Fixes: Israel/Jerusalem is not on the list of capitals.
- Fixes: Calendar: Weekdays for Afghanistan region are clipped in monthly view.
- Fixes: No fallback to English translation in application name if language not supported.

* libqtcontacts-tracker:
- Fixes: On a partial save of a new contact no longer wrongly do a full save.
- Fixes: Return empty schema for unknown contact type.
- Fixes: Don't copy pixels in qctWriteThumbnail().
- Fixes: Really fetch all social avatars.
- Fixes: New contacts are rejected on partial save.
- Changes: Make use of QctUpdateBuilder::isExistingContact().
- Changes: Manage two queues in the engine for sync/async tasks.
- Changes: Don't copy the engine in QctContactManagerEngine::runSyncRequest.
The engine now has one queue for sync tasks too, so no need to copy it to get a new queue anymore.
- Changes: Remove copy construct for QContactTrackerEngine and QContactTrackerEngineData.
Those are not needed anymore since both sync and async tasks are handled by the same engine (with two queues)
- Changes: Drop obsolete compliance param from testPartialSave.
- Changes: Deprecate concurrencyLevel setting.
- Changes: Drop obsolete engine parameters.

* libquill:
- Fixes: Edit history is only saved when save() is called, not after any operation.

* qt-components:
- Fixes: SDK Connectivity Tool is not able to push the USB page.

Совместимость: MeeGo 1.2 - 1.3
Скриншот (14.8 Kb)
md5: 232a62041232fbab279d6c3172d44e98
Категория: Обменник - MeeGo 1.2
Раздел: Программы MeeGo 1.2
Добавил: Ser077
Дата: 26 июля 2013, 16:12
Кол-во загрузок: 149
Последнее скачивание: 25 ноября 2021, 12:26
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