RText 2.6.0

Скриншот: RText 2.6.0

Перед вами неплохой, многофункциональный текстовый редактор, который можно полностью настроить под свои потребности. Из плюсов стоит отметить подсветку синтаксиса, можно в одном окне вести редактирование сразу нужного вам количества документов, есть режим печати, можно предварительно просматривать документ, искать слова, автоматически заменять текст, выполнять отмен операций и так далее.
Syntax highlighting for over 40 programming languages
Multiple font support - different token types can use different fonts and styles
Macro record/playback - Automate common editing tasks you do repeatedly
Drag-and-drop - Easily move code around in your document, or even into another application
Spell Checking - Spell check plain text documents and comments of source code.
Bookmarking - Mark and quickly navigate to important sections of code.
Mark Occurrences - Easily see the scope and usage of a variable or method.
Code templates - Create shortcut key sequences for common coding constructs such as for-loops.
Unlimited undo/redo - Don't worry about making a mistake with the handy smart undo & redo.
File encodings supported - Edit and save files in ASCII, Unicode, or any other encoding supported by your JVM.
Current line highlighting - Allows you to quickly locate your position in a source file.
Margin line - Useful for keeping your lines from being too long, if you're into that kind of thing.
Drag-and-drop files from the desktop to open them
Edit multiple documents simultaneously, using a (tabbed view or traditional MDI)
Find/Replace, with full regular expression support
Find in Files and Replace in Files
External Tool Support for running things such as compilers, Ant, etc.
Task List highlights your TODO items in source code comments
Printing and Print Preview, for when you need a hard copy
Auto-reload of files when they are modified outside of editor
Customizable keyboard shortcuts makes using the editor a little more comfortable
Completely customizable UI - change the toolbar's icon set, the application's look and feel, the colors and fonts used in the editor, what buttons are visible on the toolbar, etc.
Comprehensive Help documentation comes with the application
Cross-platform - runs anywhere there is a JVM
Localized into 15 languages

Язык: мульти/Русский
Тип лицензии: FreeWare
Системные требования: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10 (32-bit & 64-bit)
Скриншот (9.4 Kb)
Доп.скриншот 1 (73.9 Kb)
Доп.скриншот 2 (147.5 Kb)
md5: 0a469ab6df3401ab0b5edec23bc92a25
Категория: Обменник - Файлы для ПК
Раздел: Программы для ПК
Добавил: Tarkett
Дата: 15 октября 2016, 12:10
Кол-во загрузок: 9
Последнее скачивание: 24 августа 2018, 15:37
Скачать файл (exe) (14.1 Mb)
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